About the society

Slovenian Society for microscopy is an independent and non-profit association with voluntary membership, which aims to monitor and encourage research and education in the field of microscopy and microanalysis in life- and material sciences.

The aims of Slovene Society for Microscopy are:

  • establising and maintaining the connections between scientists, teaching pesonnel and experts working in the field of microcopy and microanalysis in Slovenia
  • promotion of microscopy and associated activities in biomedical and materials research
  • collaboration with other associations and societies with simmilar interests in Slovenia and other countries
  • representation of Republic of Slovenia in international microscopic associations
  • encouragement of younger scientists and students interested or working in the field of microscopy and microanalysis
  • aspiration for progress in microscopical and microanalitycal sciences
  • organization of scientific meetings

Slovene Society for Microscopy is a member of European Microscopy Society (EMS) and International Federation of Societies for Electron Microscopy (IFSEM).

Address & data

Institute of Cell Biology, Faculty of Medicine
Vrazov trg 2, 1000 Ljubljana,

  • IBAN: SI56-0206-0001-7272-925
  • VAT no: 11072377


Members of the board

In January 2013 the following members were elected into the boards and commissions of the Society:

Executive board

Supervisory Board

  • Slavko Žižek
  • dr. Jasna Štrus
  • dr. Matjaž Godec

Disciplinary committee

  • dr. Boštjan Markoli
  • dr. Miran Čeh
  • dr. Rok Romih


5. slovensko posvetovanje mikroskopistov

Slovensko društvo za mikroskopijo najavlja 5. slovensko posvetovanje mikroskopistov, ki bo potekalo 16. in 17. maja 2024 v hotelu Rogla na Rogli.

4. slovensko posvetovanje mikroskopistov

4. slovensko posvetovanje mikroskopistov prestavljeno na 12. in 13. maj 2022.

Izvršni odbor EMS

Prof. dr. Sašo Šturm, je bil izbran v izvršni odbor Evropskega združenja mikroskopistov (European Microscopy Society - EMS). Čestitamo!


EMC2020 v Københavnu, je prestavljen na leto 2024. Za več informacij kliknite na EMC2020.